Two quotes of Kathmandu

THERE ARE MANY THINGS ONE "SHOULD SEE" in this valley, but I secrecy resent being bossed by guidebook and am therefore a slipshod tourist. To me the little statue that one unexpectedly discovers down an alley way and impulsively responds to, means much more than the temple one had been instructed to admire for erudite and probably incomprehensible reasons.
-Dervla Murphy, The Waiting Land

THE ENERGY OF THE PLACE SLAMS LIKE A SHOCK wave... Kathmandu is so overwhelming, so packed with images, that succinct summaries seem almost impossible- certainly inadequate. I'm tempted to say "You'll understand when you get there...." It's a dream. I've never seen anything 1ike it.
-David Yeadon, The Back of Beyond


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