Marble Lions

I glided off, in one of the dark boats, until we came to an old Arsenal guarded by four marble lions. To make my Dream more monstrous and unlikely, one of these had words and sentences upon its body, inscribed there, at an unknown time, and in an unknown language; so that their purport was a mystery to all men. " Charles Dickens, An Italian Dream, 1844

Italian Journey - Roma

"In the solitude of the Via Sacra the well-known objects seemed alien and ghost-like. But when I approached the grand ruins of the Colosseum and looked through the gate into the interior, I must frankly confess that a shudder ran through me, and I quickly home.
Any gigantic mass has a peculiar effect on me; it has something about it which is at once fascinating and awe-inspiring. I drew up a summa summarum of my whole stay in Italy, and this roused in my agitated soul a mood I might call heroic-elegiac, for it tried to embody itself in the poetic form of an elegy." Goethe, Italian Journey

Used to be...

The magic of Sydney is fading for Sydney Magazine's editor who thrives on the creative buzz of New York. "I've noticed Sydney's changing a lot. There's a new aggression and road rage. Sydney used to be all about good sportmanship and politeness. In the last couple of years, there's been a negative energy: a sense of money, greed, and no fair game like there used to be. I say this with certain amount of sadness, as someone who really loves Sydney." Brana Wolf, Sydney Magazine (SMH), May 2008

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