We have been traveling for hours through a country filled with an immense energy - with the energy of silence. The enormous plain stretches out to the blue horizon's hound; it is brown as dust. it is grey and ashen, but with the changing hours the colours change. It is mauve and it is reseda , it is sage green and periwinkle blue; and set in the midst thereof, and fair as a star sapphire, and so old that age is non-existent, is the city. Time has no power upon her beauty, which was ordained before time was. The twilight of the ages is luminous upon her; she broods, aloof and fair, a place of enchantments. As Spain has no dew, so Spain has no dreams, but she has magic, and some of it is black magic; as Siena is a city of dreams, so Toledo is a city of enchantments, legendary and magical.
- Georgiana Goddard King, Heart of Spain